Remotely-sensed satellite data is especially useful when accurate and near-real-time information is needed quickly, whether in response to acute food insecurity threats like drought and regional conflict or for policy implementation following unforeseen disasters. The NASA Harvest Rapid Agricultural Assessment for Policy Support (RAAPS) Initiative enables consortium partners to quickly respond to emerging priorities and crises by conducting research and building tools to monitor statistics throughout the season. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, increase in severe weather events, ongoing conflicts around the world, and their disruptive affects on agricultural production, crop harvests, food markets, and supply chains, we have developed several free online tools to help users perform various agricultural analyses.
Visit the Harvest2Market dashboard to explore agricultural supply chains and food market information.
Visit the Agrometeorological (AGMET) Earth Observation Indicators dashboard to explore environmental impacts on in-season crop development and current crop conditions.
Visit the NASA Harvest COVID-19 Dashboard to explore the impacts of the pandemic on the agricultural sector.