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Climate Hazards Group Infrared Precipitation with Stations (CHIRPS)

This graphic integrates monitoring and forecast precipitation to show the most recent 60 days of rainfall with a 10-day rainfall forecast to show a 70-day anomaly integrating observed and anticipated conditions.
This graphic integrates monitoring and forecast precipitation to show the most recent 60 days of rainfall with a 10-day rainfall forecast to show a 70-day anomaly integrating observed and anticipated conditions.
What We Do

This project seeks to develop new forecasting datasets and exploratory tools to help identify and anticipate agroclimatic shocks.


Global, Africa emphasis

How Satellites Make This Work

The Climate Hazards Center (CHC) of UCSB has a rich history of the development of datasets and tools for the monitoring of agricultural production in the developing world, including Climate Hazards Group Infrared Precipitation with Stations (CHIRPS). This project supports the development of a 10-day, CHIRPS-compatible forecast (CHIRPS-GEFS), updates to the CHIRPS product, development of the CHIRTS monthly temperature historical dataset, a seasonal forecast of reference evapotranspiration, and integration of soil moisture into our data process.  This project also works to engage stakeholders in developing countries to help them integrate these new data streams into their monitoring activities.  Finally, the CHC will roll out improvements to the Early Warning Explorer (EWX) web interface to allow users to interact with these datasets. 

Chris Funk, University of California Santa Barbara
Greg Husak, University of California Santa Barbara
Team Members

Cooperative Agreement with USGS to support FEWS NET activities (2014-2019).

NASA SERVIR Applied Science Team grant (2016-2019)

DARPA (2018-2020)