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National Crop Monitors

National Crop Monitors
What We Do

A combined effort from multiple projects supporting national agencies to develop and maintain Earth observations-based agricultural monitoring systems. 


Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda, ICPAC Region

How Satellites Make This Work

A lack of timely and accurate information on crop conditions and prospects is a critical issue in the majority of south and east African countries. Such information is necessary for informed and prompt decision-making in the face of emergencies, food insecurity and planning requirements for agricultural markets. A series of projects are addressing these needs through the development of relevant, user-friendly remote sensing monitoring systems, advanced mobile field data collection tools and collaborative internet technologies, working in close collaboration with established in-country partners. Systems include the GEOGLAM Crop Monitor systems, at national and regional scales, Global Agriculture Monitoring System (GLAM), Early Warning Explorer (EWX), and GeoODK. EO data used include MODIS, VIIRS, CHIRPS Rainfall and satellite-derived data and a series of crop masks derived from various systems including Landsat and Sentinel 2.


The first national crop monitor for Kenya was released in mid-2018. Read about the Kenya crop monitor launch here. The Kenya National Crop Bulletin is published regularly on the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Irrigation website.


There is a regular regional bulletin published for Uganda. An end-of-season crop report has been integrated with the climate forecast for the first time in early 2019.


Read about the Uganda and Tanzania work on Supporting National Agricultural Monitoring for Food Security.


Training in Rwanda has been initialized for the first time with a 2019 training tour.


Inbal Becker-Reshef, University of Maryland
Catherine Nakalembe, University of Maryland
Team Members
Christina Jade Justice, University of Maryland
Greg Husak, University of California Santa Barbara
Kenneth Mwangi, ICPAC-IGAD
John Martin Owor, Uganda Office of the Prime Minister
Gerald Makau Masila, East Africa Grain Council

Martin Owor, Office of the Prime Minister, Uganda
Marystella Mtalo, Ministry of Agriculture, Tanzania
Innocent Bisanwa, MINAGRI, Rwanda
Tom Dienya, Ministry of Agriculture, Kenya
Lilian Wangui, Regional Center for Mapping of Resources for Development (RCMRD)
Kenneth Kemucie Mwangi, IGAD Climate Predictions and Applications Center (ICPAC)
Shrad Shukl, University of California, Santa Barbara